Lacombe County — Age Groups
Average age
Median age
Population pyramid for age groups
Percentage distribution by 5-year-band age groups and gender
Population pyramid for broad age groups
Percentage distribution by broad age groups and gender
Age refers to the age of a person (or subject) of interest at last birthday (or relative to a specified, well-defined reference date).
Gender refers to an individual's personal and social identity as a man, woman or non-binary person (a person who is not exclusively a man or a woman).
Gender includes the following concepts:
- gender identity, which refers to the gender that a person feels internally and individually;
- gender expression, which refers to the way a person presents their gender, regardless of their gender identity, through body language, aesthetic choices or accessories (e.g., clothes, hairstyle and makeup), which may have traditionally been associated with a specific gender.
A person's gender may differ from their sex at birth, and from what is indicated on their current identification or legal documents such as their birth certificate, passport or driver's licence. A person's gender may change over time.
Some people may not identify with a specific gender.
Given that the non-binary population is small, data aggregation to a two-category gender variable is sometimes necessary to protect the confidentiality of responses provided. In these cases, individuals in the category “non-binary persons” are distributed into the other two gender categories and are denoted by the “+” symbol.
The sex variable in census years prior to 2021 and the two-category gender variable in the 2021 Census are included together in the [data table]. Although sex and gender refer to two different concepts, the introduction of gender is not expected to have a significant impact on data analysis and historical comparability, given the small size of the transgender and non-binary populations. For additional information on changes of concepts over time, please consult the Age, Sex at Birth and Gender Reference Guide.
Lacombe County — Family Characteristics
Average Family Size
Average Number of Children
Census families
Total number of census families in private households
Persons in private households
Total number of persons in private households
Families by size
Census families in private households by family size
Household types
Households by type of family
Lacombe County — Income
Low-income Households (LICO-AT)
Low-income Households (LIM-AT)
Household income bands
Distribution of household income bands compared before and after tax
Median Household Income - Comparison
Comparison of median hosuehold income at different geographical levels
Lacombe County — Education
Postsecondary Education
Bachelor's degree
Highest certificate, diploma or degree
Highest certificate, diploma or degree for the population aged 25 to 64 years in private households - 25% sample data
Major field of study
Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) 2021 for the population aged 25 to 64 years in private households - 25% sample data
Lacombe County — Marital Status
Married or Common Law
Separated, Divorced or Widowed
Marital Status
Population distribution by marital status
Marital Status - Comparison
Comparison of population distribution by marital status at different geographical levels
Lacombe County — Indigenous Ancestry and Identity
Indigenous Identity
Indigenous Ancestry
Indigenous Identity
Distribution of Indigenous identity responses, including single and multiple responses
Indigenous Ancestry
Distribution of Indigenous ancestry responses
Lacombe County — Immigrant Population
Not Canadian Citizens
Immigrant Population Place of Birth
Distribution of immigrant population by place of birth
Immigration Admission Category
Distribution of immigrant population by category of admission to Canada
Immigration Generation Status
Distribution of immigrant population by generation status
Period of Immigration
Distribution by immigrant population by period of immigration
Lacombe County — Religion
Most Common Religion
Most Common Christian Church
Population Composition by Religion
Distribution of population by religion
Christian Churches
Distribution of Christian population by church
Lacombe County — Visible Minorities
Visible Minorities
Compared to province
Distribution of visible minorities
As defined by the Employment Equity Act, presented as percentage of the total population
Comparison of visible minorities distribution
Compared to regional district, province and Canada
Lacombe County — Ethnic Origin
Canadian Origin
Most Common Origin
Ethnic origin composition (top 25)
Top 25 ethnic or cultural origins of the person's ancestors, usually more distant than a grandparent.
Lacombe County — Languages
English Only
Both English and French
Official Languages
Knowledge of official languages
First Official Language
Comparison of population distribution by first official language spoken
Lacombe County — Mobility and Migration
Moved in the last 5 years
Moved in the last year
Mobility in the last 5 years
Mobility in the last 5 years before the census year
Mobility in the last year
Mobility in the last year before the census year