Division No. 8 Census Division — Population Projections
Population estimates and projections
Population estimates and projections by gender
Population estimates and projections by age group
Population estimates and projections by 5-year band age groups
Dependency ratio by year
Number of dependents aged 0 to 14 and over the age of 65, compared with the total population aged 15 to 64
Population estimates and projections by broad age group
Population estimates and projections by broad age group
Division No. 8 Census Division — Components of Population Change
Vital statistics
Population change due to new births and deaths
Population change due to international, inter- and intra-provincial migration
Region Definitions
Components of population change are provided by provincial governments and Statistics Canada at the Census Division level. Census divisions are intermediate geographic areas between the province/territory level and the municipality (census subdivision). They are groups of neighbouring municipalities joined together for the purposes of regional planning and managing common services, or for statistical purposes where such regional planning is not provincially legislated.
Lacombe County is a part of Division No. 8, which consists of the communities listed below and the entire region is shown on the map for the context.