Lacombe County — Business Counts

Number of Businesses in 2023

Businesses With Employees

Number of businesses with and without employees

Businesses with and without employees

Data source: Statistics Canada - Business Register

Number of businesses with employees by size

Number of businesses with employees by number of employees

Data source: Statistics Canada - Business Register

Number of businesses by NAICS code (2-digits)

Number of businesses by 2-digit NAICS code

Data source: Statistics Canada - Business Register

Composition of businesses by 2-digit NAICS code and size

by 2-digit NAICS code and number of employees

Data source: Statistics Canada - Business Register

Number of businesses by NAICS code (4-digits)

Number of businesses (with and without employees) by 4-digit NAICS code, grouped into clusters of 2-digit NAICS codes

Data source: Statistics Canada - Business Register

Red Deer Economic Region — Business formations, consumer and business bankruptcies

Businesses Bankruptcies

Consumer Bankruptcies

Businesses bankruptcies

Number of businesses bankruptcies by quarter

Data source: Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada

Consumer bankruptcies

Number of consumer bankruptcies by quarter

Data source: Office of the Superintendent of Bankruptcy Canada

Lacombe County Major Projects Inventory

Number of Major Projects

Total Estimated Value

Major projects by year and sector

Projects with a capital cost of at least $5 million by year and sector

Data source: Government of Alberta, Economic Development and Trade

Major Projects Inventory (MPI)

Projects with a capital cost of at least $5 million.

Data source: Government of Alberta, Economic Development and Trade