Lacombe County — Business Counts
Number of Businesses in 2023
Businesses With Employees
Number of businesses with and without employees
Businesses with and without employees
Number of businesses with employees by size
Number of businesses with employees by number of employees
Number of businesses by NAICS code (2-digits)
Number of businesses by 2-digit NAICS code
Composition of businesses by 2-digit NAICS code and size
by 2-digit NAICS code and number of employees
Number of businesses by NAICS code (4-digits)
Number of businesses (with and without employees) by 4-digit NAICS code, grouped into clusters of 2-digit NAICS codes
Red Deer Economic Region — Business formations, consumer and business bankruptcies
Businesses Bankruptcies
Consumer Bankruptcies
Businesses bankruptcies
Number of businesses bankruptcies by quarter
Consumer bankruptcies
Number of consumer bankruptcies by quarter
Lacombe County Major Projects Inventory
Number of Major Projects
Total Estimated Value
Major projects by year and sector
Projects with a capital cost of at least $5 million by year and sector
Major Projects Inventory (MPI)
Projects with a capital cost of at least $5 million.